Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Joy Of My Life

My precious little baby boy is the joy of my life. He is now 8 months old and watching him grow day by day is no less of a miracle for me. I feel overwhelmed to see him laugh, to cry, to play and all I can think is that he is my blood, a part of me and my love. How can I not love someone who is a part of me.

It feels just like yesterday that he was born and the first time I saw him, there were tears of joy in my eyes, bec he seemed more beautiful to me than anything in this whole world. My heart was filled with pride and I was so happy that it is difficult for me to even express in words as to how immensly glad I was and how proud it felt to be a DAD. My much awaited little bundle of joy was finally here. Looking at him all bundled up in his blanket after coming out of the delivery room I could just imagine the future, and I started dreaming that soon he will be crawling, then walking and then talking and playing with me.

Well so far my dream has come true. I enjoy every moment of being with him and playing with him and making him laugh and teaching him to stand and walk. I am so exhilirated and delighted at being a proud father of such a wonderful baby that all the diaper changing and midnight feedings seem negligible in front of all that.

This my friends is the thrill of being a father, a feeling that cannot be fully expressed in words but is to be felt.
and about my precious little one I will keep you all updated on him and his new antics.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Foolish law makers

I recently had the experience of purchasing a used car in the state of New Jersey (USA). At that time I was not having a NJ (or infact a US) driver's license (DL), but I did have an International driver's license (IDL) as well as my Indian DL confirming that I know how to drive and have been doing for a long time.

So before going to DMV, I called them up to confirm if I can buy the car on international driver's license, and they said YES. So there I was standing in a long queue, to get my car registered and thinking and dreaming that finally I'll own this car and go on a long drive with my family. Once I reached the counter, the lady behind the desk, politely handed me a form to fill. So I was excited and started filling in all the columns. And then I reached a column which said "NJ DL number", so I asked the lady if its necessary to fill this? She gave me a puzzled look as if I have done something wrong, or may be she was looking at me as if I resemble Osama bin laden! ( which I don't by the way :o))

Anyway even after such a look, I regained my guts to ask her again. She then frowned and sharply replied "You cannot buy a car without NJ DL". and gave me another look as if I had asked something very absurd. I again politely asked her, that why do I need to have a state license just to buy a car. License is needed when we drive a car not to buy a car, and for driving, I was already having an IDL, which should have been sufficient. But her reply was a standard one, that without a state license, I cannot buy a car, and then she refused to attend to me.

So now I was really pissed off on people who made these stupid laws. So my small and unintelligent brain asked her one last question. I again went up to her, and asked politely "Excuse me! I have a situation, I wish to buy a car (as I have the money to buy it) but I won't be driving it. I'll keep a chauffeur to drive it. So now what do u want? Shall I buy this car on my chauffeur's name? And let him enjoy the ownership of the car?" This was the last question from me and she was unimaginably speechless & confused. All her mouth could utter was "I'm sorry, but our rule book says you need to have a state license to buy a car" (a standard reply given by govt. employee, no matter even if its US)

Who the hell made this law? What a stupid law! As far I can think, does Bill Gates need a driver's license to buy a car in US? Or is that Donald Trump would be asked for a driver's license when he goes in to buy a car? But thinking all this actually makes me laugh, as this is the country where you cannot buy a car without DL, but yes you can buy guns off the shelf. Is this what's known as a 'developed nation'?